Recent IELTS speaking cue cards

  IELTS speaking cue cards Here’s some recent IELTS Speaking Cue Cards. At IELTS speaking test part 2 the examiner will give a cue card to talk about that. Examiner will allow you 1 minute to prepare when you can make some notes as well. You need to speak one to two minutes according to the instructions but try to speak as much as you can. You will be stopped by the examiner if you talk more than two minutes which is an indication of good English speaking capability.  Here’s some IELTS speaking cue cards for you. Good luck about

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IELTS Speaking recent questions | IELTS speaking sample questions

IELTS speaking sample questions Here’s some IELTS speaking sample questions. Some of these were taken from recent IELTS speaking real questions. Try to to spend some time to understand the question type and practice these questions. Please do not memorize the answers otherwise you will end up giving robotic answer at the real exam in order to answer similar questions. So, good luck folks IELTS Speaking recent questions Part 1 What is your full name? What do you do? Do you know the people who live next door to you? How often do you see each other? How long have

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IELTS speaking part 1 questions (sample)

IELTS speaking part 1 questions samples IELTS speaking module has got three parts. Part 1 which consists with some general questions, Part 2 cue card, part 3 some relevant question about your cue cards.  IELTS speaking part 1 starts with some basic questions. For instance, questions like, something about yourself, about your study, your hobbies and interests, about your home town, your favorite places, your favorite festival etc. Some sample questions of IELTS speaking part 1 are given below. Hopefully those will be helpful for you.  IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample questions: Set 01.   1.what is your name? 2.where

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