Cost, acceptance, Availability
The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and OET (Occupational English Test) are both used to test the English Language competency of healthcare professionals around the world. Both of these examinations are chosen by the regulatory bodies to make sure that healthcare workers have sufficient language skills to communicate effectively with patients and colleagues and deliver adequate medical care.
What is the difference between OET and IELTS?
Usually OET tests a person’s ability to communicate in English in healthcare setting, whereas IELTS test the ability of person to communicate in English in general. Although both the exams are accepted by the GMC and the NMC.
IELTS VS OET Key Differences:
Many think that OET is much easier to pass than Academic IELTS. This is not entirely true. People think so, because many health care professionals who sat for the OET test for the first time, had passed the exam. This was not because the test was easier. It happened because, their communication skill had been assessed in an environment which was familiar to them.
- There 4 sub tests in both exams: Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking.
- In both tests students receive a graded score rather than pass or fail.
- Both a ‘7’ in IELTS and a ‘B’ on the OET is considered C1 or advanced level of English by the common European Frame work of reference.
IELTS vs OET: Availability of these tests:
IELTS is available 140 countries and it offers 44 tests per year.
On the other hand, OET is available 40 countries and (January 2022 data) and it offers 14 tests per year.
- Content: IELTS exam generally test the compatibility of academic English whereas the OET tests your knowledge of medical English.
- There are two basic versions of IELTS test (Academic and General). On the other hand, there are 12 versions of the OET for different healthcare professions including nurses, doctors, dentists, pharmacists, optometrists, podiatrists, Occupational therapists, Vets, Speech pathologists, Dieticians, Physiotherapists and radiographers.
- IELTS is marked out of 9 with a separate score for each paper. OET is marked from A to E with an accompanying numerical score to show your precise grade.
- OET is recognized by healthcare regulatory bodies in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Dubai, Ukraine and Namibia. Meanwhile IELTS is recognized by universities, healthcare regulatory bodies, immigration authorities and companies across the world.
Fees: (January 2022 data)
OET exam fee is quite higher than IELTS.
IELTS exam fee is ELTS: USD 215 – USD 310 depending on location
On the other hand, OET exam fee is USD 455.
IELTS vs OET? Where are these tests accepted?
OET is accepted by Healthcare authorities and immigration authorities in UK, Australia and New Zealand.
IELTS is accepted almost everywhere in the world where English test required.
Please contact us for best OET coaching in Dhaka
Call 01946 004411 (10am to 7.30pm) or click here to book your OET course.
Please click here to watch free OET video lessons.
Please click to here to know in details about our IELTS courses.
Our courses:
OET Preparation course ( On-Campus at Uttara).